First, I would like to give you my new phone number: 815-345-7852. Please call for any orders of my crochet goods! Custom orders encouraged!! As you know I have been telling you my story. I have only gotten to the part where my daughter was born. That was 21 years ago. I started telling my …

‘My Story’ Part 5

I got pregnant when Baby was almost 3 years old. I had been working at a sweet food store in the Mall. I had advanced to an Assistant manager and another store recruited me to be the Manager of a retail store that sold hair care products! I worked at this store for about a …

Continuing My Story

The last post, I was telling how it came to be that my son was born. After I had him, Husband got a lot more controlling in some ways. We couldn’t go to the park until we drove around it for quite a while and Husband decided it was ok for Son to go and …